Beans Or Bullets, What’s Your Priority

I came across this post on the Notes From The Bunker blog: Unsexy and I know it

Like me, the author thinks the most likely “apocalypse” scenario is financial in nature and he points out that in such a scenario beans are probably far more important than bullets:

My personal flavor of apocalypse is economic. It could be a worldwide depression that throws us into a Third World life of living like Venezuelans, or it could be me breaking a leg and not being able to work for two months…but, in my world, thats the most likely apocalypse I see coming. And in that case, I’ll probably get far more mileage out of my blue barrels of rice and my #10 cans of freeze dried pork chops than I will out my HK91 and Lake City ball.

On the flip side access to ammunition, firearms, armor and gear can evaporate with little or no warning, and likely at the time they are most needed:

There is always the real possibility that you could wake up tomorrow and find that, on a local/state/national level your access to ownership of those things is cutoff or severely curtailed (looking at you California!)…the same risk to, say, freeze dried food, buckets of rice, AA-batteries, quality boots, and neosporin is virtually nil.

For me, I have tried to balance my efforts in this area by creating an inventory level for ammunition based on usage. My goal has been to have a years worth of ammunition on hand. I based my calculations on a year when I was able to do a good bit of training so that should provide and extra buffer as will my reloading.

I have also set goals for the amount of food, water and supplies I want to have on hand. Just like with ammunition I build to those targets. In my case it is at least a thirty day supply of food for my extended family. That’s a lot of folks and a lot of food.

So, what’s your priority between beans and bullets and how do you decide?

God bless.

7 thoughts on “Beans Or Bullets, What’s Your Priority

  1. Knowledge and practice.
    That trumps both beans and ammo as it’s no good having what you don’t know how to use, or how to use what you’ve got to the best effect.
    How to source what you need, repair what you’ve got, and how to make what you need.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. As always, very good points.

      I stock up for two reasons. First, there may be times when sourcing what we need may be dangerous or more difficult. I also view it like savings, what I buy today will most likely be much cheaper than the same thing at some point in the future.

      After a hurricane, it may be days before food, water, electricity, and fuel are readily available. Having what I need on hand means I can “hunker down” in safety without having to expose myself to the dangers inherent in scavenging these items at that point. Same way for most any other natural or man made disasters that are likely.

      We were able to weather a financial crisis about three years ago (I was laid off) relatively unscathed because we clamped down on spending and made use of the resources we already had on hand.

      God bless.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Glad it all worked out for you.

        We used to be fortress preppers with loads of stores but experience of others being dispossessed and me thinking about the fact that at that time we lived in lowlands (1 meter ASL) made me reevaluate that logic.

        So we’ve got about a fortnight of stores in hand and more importantly water for the same.

        Over that, we’re foragers, scavengers, and freegans. We fish, both shoot, grow vegetables, and I trap. Standard level security doesn’t exactly cause me much of a problem either.

        Thus if we survive the initial event, we’ll get by as living frugally is our SOP unlike some.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. It has been bullets, but is shifting to beans. Within living memory, the supply of beans doesn’t dry up overnight, except locally. A 30 day pantry supply will cover 99% of those emergencies. Bullets, however, have been known to disappear overnight and not be available again for months. Bullets are also easier to store.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. If you are still living out on the farm that makes the breakdown a little easier as well. It would probably be easier for you to forage for food than it would be for someone like me who is stuck in the suburbs for a while.
      God bless.


  3. It’s been a bit of both at times. When we first moved to the country it was food, then following a run in with a local it became guns, ammo, carry permits, training as well as security cameras. Now I would have to say that it is once again become food and water with a side of target practice. God bless.

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