Responses To Texas’ New Laws

The Texas legislature has managed to pass several new laws that the Republican/Conservative voters who elected these jokers to Austin have been demanding for quite some time.

Texas has passed “Constitutional Carry,” which allows anyone who is legally able to purchase a firearm to be able to carry it, open or concealed, without a special license. It is about time. For all the impression people have of gun rights, this is an area where Texas does not lead. At least 20 other states have enacted such legislation before we did here in the Lone Star state. So far, there has been little reaction to this law from the Federal government or other states.

The Texas Heartbeat law, which makes illegal to perform or assist in the performance of an abortion after a fetal heartbeat has been detected (sort of) on the other hand has resulted in a firestorm. At least one CEO has been terminated for having the gall to share his support for the law. Ride share service Lyft has promised to cover the legal fees of any drivers who are taken to court for assisting in an illegal abortion. Hollyweird, of course, is calling for protests, bans and boycotts. The wonderful city of Portlandia (formerly known as the city of roses but now better know for rioting) is looking to ban travel to and the trade of goods and services from Texas by city government and employees. The reaction from the Federal government has been most threatening. Joe Biden who couldn’t care in the least about abandoning Americans to the hands of the Taliban has promised the full weight of his ruling junta will be brought to bear on Texas for passing this law. His STASI Department of (in)Justice is already moving to use a 1994 law that protects those seeking or providing abortions from obstruction or threats of physical harm to attack the law and anyone who enforces it. They are attempting to classify this new law as “violence” against those seeking to obtain or provide reproductive health services.”

Today, Governor Abbot signed the Election Integrity bill, making it law. This is the law that drove Demonrat representatives out of Texas to avoid a quorum and the passage of the law (sort of). In actuality, this is a different law by the same name to bamboozle voters into thinking they are getting what they asked for. I haven’t seen any responses on this one but after the firestorm that the Georgia law generated, I am sure it is coming.

All three of these new laws and the reactions they have engendered are indicative of the increasing divide in this nation. There is less and less common ground between the left and the right. Either this nation will split (relatively) peacefully or one side or the other (maybe both) will be destroyed. The left can not coexist with the right. They will not be satisfied until their woke, communist vision of this nation is fully implemented. Those who disagree with them will be silenced; through coercion (bullying), through governmental force or through violence (Antifa, BLM or government agencies). We can protect ourselves by separation, we can submit, or we can fight and many will die. Those are the only choices left.

Stay alert, stay prepared and stay safe.

God bless.

One thought on “Responses To Texas’ New Laws

  1. What a effing mess.
    Only surmounted by our UK totalitarian state that has just exposed it’s true colors by extorting money from the poor, sick, and elderly of our nation under the guise of paying for the newly minted ‘National COVID Service’ (formally called the national health service).

    Liked by 1 person

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