A Warning…And A Prayer


…be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear

and celebrate his rule with trembling.

Kiss his son, or he will be angry

and your way will lead to your destruction,

for his wrath can flare up in a moment.

Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

-Psalm 2:2-3

How many of our leaders rule understand that they are called to lead through service, not to themselves but to those they have been elected to lead? How many serve the Lord or celebrate Him?

Most of our leaders today seem to be called to lead for their own gain and serve only themselves. Most only seem to celebrate themselves and their own agendas, not the people and certainly not God. This is the road to destruction, thier own and our nation’s.

Lord Jesus Christ, I pray for the leaders of our nation. I pray that they will turn to You and away from their hubris and greed. I pray that they will honor their commitments to those they are called to lead and serve. I pray that they will turn away from the petty squabbles and focus on being good stewards of our nation and our nation’s finances. I pray that they will stop dividing us to serve their own gains and to distract us from the real threats to our nation, our liberty and our future. Dear Lord cleanse our leaders of their sinful ways and evil intent. If this is not Your will, I pray that you will at least spare Your people from the wrath and destruction they will lead us into…



The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.
-Proverbs 22:7

Just a heads up, as we head into the upcoming elections and the various candidates talk about what they will spend YOUR money on, please keep these statistics in mind:
$18,226,035,000,000 – US National debt as of 3:30 (Central) today
$56,692 – Your portion of that debt (per citizen)
$146, 004.94 – Your household’s portion of that debt
104.64% – debt/GDP ration (the government owes MORE than the entire output of the US economy)

Now ask yourself, how are we ever going to pay back what we owe and where will the money to pay for those programs come from?

I don’t care what party the candidate is from, these questions need be asked and the answers need to be very simple and very clear.

God Bless