Project Get Fit 2022: Week 23

Not me, I don’t have that much hair on my head…

I only made it to the gym once this week; this morning.

I have been focusing on walking a lot more and have walked at least a mile everyday this week.

Stay alert, stay prepared and stay safe.

God bless.

Goal: Complete a Murph Challenge in 2022

Project Get Fit 2022: Week 22

Not me, I don’t have that much hair on my head…

Today, I stretched and went for a 1.5 mile walk. That was it for the week.

I spent most the week dealing with a nasty stomach bug. It was Wednesday evening before I could hold down food. Nausea and lack of food doesn’t make for optimal workout conditions, so…

Stay alert, stay prepared and stay safe.

God bless.

Goal: Complete a Murph Challenge in 2022

Project Get Fit 2022: Week 21

Not me, I don’t have that much hair on my head…

Started the week strong after being lazy last week and only working out once. I made it to the gym and then went for a one mile walk.

Tuesday I walked a mile twice. Once on my own and once with Wonderful Wife.

Wednesday I made it to the gym and walked a mile.

Thursday I took a longer route on my walk and made it 1.5 miles. That’s the longest walk I’ve been able to complete since my hip injury.

Friday, I skipped the walk but made it to the gym.

I didn’t work out Saturday but did attend a tactical rifle class. In the Texas heat that was a pretty good workout.

All in all, a pretty good week.

Stay alert, stay prepared and stay safe.

God bless.

Goal: Complete a Murph Challenge in 2022

Project Get Fit 2022: Week 20

Not me, I don’t have that much hair on my head…

This was not a good week for exercise. I was able to hit the gym on Tuesday but missed my midweek workout due to an unexpected business trip. I skipped the gym on Friday as well. Instead of the gym I worked in the yard on Saturday morning. Between the heat and the yard work I’m counting it as a workout.

Also, on Saturday I reviewed my exercise list and I plan to re-swizzle it again. I am decreasing the exercises I do in the gym and adding them to my walks.

Every day (might skip gym days) I will walk/ruck but I will work 2 sets of lunges and and burpees into the walk (at least initially). I will also try and stretch everyday. For the gym I will limit it to chin assists, seated rows, incline sit-ups, lat pull downs, squats, and calf raises. Streamlining my gym time will help keep me motivated and moving some of the exercises into a daily routine will be good for me…

….I hope.

Stay alert, stay prepared and stay safe.

God bless.

Goal: Complete a Murph Challenge in 2022

Project Get Fit 2022: Week 19

Not me, I don’t have that much hair on my head…

I made it to the gym three times this week and did a little walking. So, from that perspective things went well. The problem being that my shoulder is hurt again and has steadily gotten worse this week.

I have dropped exercises that  could aggravate it and I’m trying to PT it myself from the last time. If that doesn’t work it will be back to the doctor for another shot…

Stay alert, stay prepared and stay safe.

God bless.

Goal: Complete a Murph Challenge in 2022

Know Your Gear/Run What You Train

In one of the most famous stories from the Bible a young shepherd, David, decides to stand up to a monster of a man who was defaming Israel, Israel’s king and (more importantly) the one true God. No one else in the army of Israel was willing to take this man on. David wasn’t even in the army. He was there to bring supplies to his brothers who were.

Young David is confident in his skills and even more confident in the power of God. His brothers, the leaders of the army and the king are not so sure but nevertheless Saul, the king, takes the boy into his tent and equips him with the finest armor and weapons, his own.

Then Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head.
David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them.

-1 Samuel 17:38-39

As we see, David gave the new (better) gear a quick shakedown but instead of wearing the top line gear the King has he decides to run his shabby gear that he is used to:

“I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” So he took them off.
Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine.

-1 Samuel 17:39-40

See, David had trained in his gear. Not against an up-armored giant but against lions and bears that had threatened his father’s sheep. Because he had trained in it he trusted it and he trusted his capabilities while running it.

There are two key lessons here:

    1. Trust in God, despite the odds.
    2. The gear you have and train in is the best gear there is.

Just because some YouTubing, former whatever tells you that if you don’t have the latest and greatest plates made of angels breath and unobtainium your “gonna die in the streets.” Or, that if you don’t have the latest geewhiz gadgets on your rifle you won’t be able to stop the bad guys from taking your goodies from you.

Buy the best you can and spend the money saved to train, train and train some more.

Don’t get me wrong, anytime things get so bad you need to kit up and go to work you have a good chance of getting dead or having your goodies stolen. That’s where is is critical to get right with God and loved ones now…like right now. But, you’ll stand a better chance in decent gear that you’ve trained in until it is like and extension of your own body than the super deluxe stuff that leaves you too broke to train or you can never get around to affording.

Pray up, Stock up, Train up, Team up!

God bless and God save the Republic.


Project Get Fit 2022: Week 18

Not me, I don’t have that much hair on my head…

I swapped the day to go to the gym because I have a class on Wednesday night. Tuesday was tough. I was tired and really didn’t want to go but I did it. I skipped one of the exercises because my shoulder is hurting but I increased the reps on several others. All in all, I was worn out and it was a struggle to get through but I did and I am proud of that.

Thursday was an even rougher day but I made it through and increased reps on two exercises. One of which I am now exceeded where I was before COVID/injury. Since my should has been hurting I skipped pushups. I’ll do that for the rest of the week and see if they pain goes away or if I need to schedule another doctor’s appointment.

Stay alert, stay prepared and stay safe.

God bless.

Goal: Complete a Murph Challenge in 2022

Project Get Fit 2022: Week 17

Not me, I don’t have that much hair on my head…

Had a great and tough workout on Monday after a good walk on Sunday.

Tuesday was a bust for walking due to my work schedule and a family birthday celebration.

Wednesday was another tough but good workout. Increased the weight on the seated row but, for the most part, I’m trying to keep it consistent for a bit. The shoulder is twinging a little and I felt I was pushing a little too hard on Monday.

No walking on Thursday or Friday but I did make it to the gym. I was able to add some repetitions to the calf raises and I am back where I was before COVID on that exercise. Although I had planned to keep things very stable for the week I did end up increasing the reps on several exercises although I am still taking it easy on any involving my shoulder.

By the time this is posted I will be attending a training session on small unit tactics. It will be a workout because I plan to do it wearing body armor.

Stay alert, stay prepared and stay safe.

God bless.

Goal: Complete a Murph Challenge in 2022

Project Get Fit 2022: Week 16

Not me, I don’t have that much hair on my head…

Made it to the gym on Monday and had a good workout. Decreased the weight for my assisted pull ups again. I was also able to increase the weights and reps on several more. In fact, for the Seated Row I exceeded my previous best from pre-COVID/injury.

After the gym I went for a walk and made it just under a mile. So far, no hip or shoulder pain.

Wednesday was a travel day for me and I was running too late in the morning and was too tired in the evening to workout. I did what I could on Thursday morning but I was still worn out so it wasn’t much of a workout.

Friday was another travel day and I didn’t workout.

I am not on the road next week so I should be able to do better.

Stay alert, stay prepared and stay safe.

God bless.

Goal: Complete a Murph Challenge in 2022