US Terrorism Scoreboard 2022

The US (in)justice department is creating a specialized task force focused on the growing threat of domestic terrorists. Specifically on those Americans who “are motivated by racial animus” or “ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies.” In other words, conservatives, patriots and don’t forget soccer moms at school-board meetings .

I thought it would be interesting and informative to begin tracking domestic terrorist events or attempted terrorist and put together a scorecard of the incidents. So far in 2022 we have had two events that I could find. The most recent was the Congregation Beth Israel hostage taking here in Texas and the other was a young man affiliated with Antifa who was arrested with bomb in his backpack at a conservative rally in Florida. We will track the number of incidents per group, the number of wounded and the number of folks killed (hopefully, those last two stats remain at zero).

Affiliation Incidents Wounded Dead
Islam 1 0 0
Antifa (Left) 1 0 0

Be sure and let me know in the comments if I miss any or if you think I am calling something in the wrong category.

Events List:

January 15th – Islamist – Malik Faisal Akram took four hostages at the Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas demanding the release of a convicted Islamic terrorist (link).

January 6th – Antifa/Left – Garrett Smith arrested for making and possessing explosive devices at a rally on behalf of alleged Capitol rioter Jeremy Brown. Smith was dressed in “Black Bloc” had notes related to Antifa (link).


Be alert, get prepared, fight the good fight!

God bless and God save the Republic.

20 Years And We Are Already Forgetting And Failing

I wish I could say that we, as a nation, would never forget the events of 9/11; the World Trade Centers, the skies over Pennsylvania, the Pentagon, Benghazi. I am afraid that is not the case. Not only have many (maybe even most) Americans forgotten the terror, brutality and horror of those events, some will even defend and lift up those who committed these acts, including our current ruling junta.

In the wake of these events and the responses to them our nation has not only stumbled but has tripped and is falling, face first, into self-destruction. In the last twenty years we have become used to the stripping away of our rights in the name and for the illusion of security and safety. We have become so accustomed to the lies, deceit and corruption of our “leadership” that we merely shrug and move on in acceptance that no one will be held accountable.

We are bombarded with a constant stream of doublespeak and lies from them. Half our nation accepts it as gospel like the subjects of INGSOC in George Orwell’s 1984. The remainder shake their heads and express a moment of righteous indignation then move on with their lives. We, as a nation, are ether deceived or content to kick the proverbial can down the road ignoring what is happening around us.

We are failing every patriot who sacrificed to bring forth and protect those crazy ideas espoused by a bunch of revolutionaries in thirteen British colonies.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Today, we are praying for the victims of these terrible tragedies. We are praying for all those served our nation and those who gave their lives fighting in the ensuing wars to try and protect us and keep us safe.

May God bless and keep you all.

Stay alert, stay prepared and stay safe.

Antifa Alert: Be Extra Cautious Tonight (3/6/21)

There is a lot of buzz on the Interwebz from Antifa and other Leftist Insurgents calling for a “Day of Action.” Memes, banners and videos are calling for “independent actions” of destruction and creation.

Be vigilant and aware that these actions could happen anywhere, although most will likely be centered in the People’s Republiks of Commifornia, Portlandia and Seattle.

Stay alert, stay prepared and stay safe.

God bless.

Quote Of The Day – Jan Sobieski

“Venimus, Vidimus, Deus vicit”– We came, We saw, God conquered.

-Jan Sobieski

Winged Hussars

On this day in 1683 Jan Sobieski led the greatest cavalry charge of all time. His forces smashed the Turkish army that was besieging Vienna and stopping a Islamic conquest of Western Europe. After this defeat much of Eastern Europe was also freed from Islamic rule.

Take care and God bless

Never Forget, Never Surrender…

September 11, 2001 (New York, Washington DC, Shanksville):

2,977 Dead

6,000+ Seriously injured

September 11, 2012 (Benghazi):

4 Dead

4 Injured

There are those who hate us for who we are and what we believe. There are those who would gladly wipe us from the face of the Earth. Stand firm in your faith, in your beliefs and never give up your freedoms for when we do…we lose.

“You can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.”
— Robert A. Heinlein

Hold fast…

God bless.

Here We Go Again…

Last night (as I am writing this) the US again launched a barrage of cruise missiles at targets in Syria. Again, the reason was because of alleged use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime.

Based on the last time we did this back in April of last year I estimated the cost to the US tax payers to have been at least $50,000,000.00 (that we don’t have). According to the press reports we launched double the number of missiles this time so the cost was upwards of $100,000,000.00 (that we still don’t have).

Some will say that it was worth it because we can’t let Assad get away with such vile acts and that if we do it will be the Holocaust all over again, yadda, yadda, yadda…

First, a question I have for those who support this attack is this; what difference does it make if dozens are killed or maimed with poison gas? I mean seriously, tens of thousands have been killed in this war by bombs, bullets, torture and starvation. Why is it OK to kill people that way on not with chlorine gas? Chlorine gas is horrible, yes, but so is watching your children starve to death before your eyes. If the various sieges within Syria follow historical precedent there was probably some degree of cannibalism in order to survive. Is chlorine more horrible that putting people in the position of sacrificing and consuming a weak child or family member so that others can survive? Is it more horrible for a child (or any civilian) to slowly rot from the inside out from an abdominal wound when there is no medical care to be had or medicines?

Second, the Syrian civil war is a horrendous situation with at least half a dozen sides and all sides have committed these same atrocities. In fact, the group Assad’s forces allegedly attacked using chlorine gas are the likely culprits in two other uses of chlorine against their opponents. In fact this group, Jaish al-Islam (Army of Islam), has stated as one of their goals to cleanse Syria of the “filth” infecting the land (non-Sunni Muslims, Christians and Jews) by crushing their heads and making them “taste the painful torment of hell” before they are sent there. They were aligned with al Qaeda.It is entirely possible that the bomb we have evidence of the Assad forces dropping merely released the stockpiles of chemical weapons this group had on hand. This group is also known keep captured enemy soldiers AND THEIR FAMILIES chained in cages placed around their strongholds to discourage attacks. This group of murderous thugs is now gone from this particular suburb of Damascus.

No side in this war would be anything we could call “good guys.” None of whom like the US and most of whom are every bit as bad as ISIS or the Taliban. Assad is no good guy either. When the term Nazi is thrown around there is some level of truth to it with him. The secret police force that has kept his family in power for the last three generations was formed, trained and run by ex-Gestapo officers. Most of whom were wanted war criminals who received sanctuary in return for their services. He is most definitely guilty of repression and torture. He conspired and supported terror attacks throughout the region including the brracks bombing in Beirut. He is most definitely an evil dictator but on the other hand his same heavy handedness protected minority groups like Jews, Christians and Druze form the genocidal tendencies of the Islamic fundamentalists who oppose him.

Third, this is no longer a civil war. It is much more complicated than that. Yes, it is a still a civil war with several factions vying to control the future of the country. It is also a proxy war between Shiite Muslims (backed by Iran) and Sunnis (backed by Saudi Arabia). Beyond the Islamic sects (Druze, Alawite, Sunni and Shiite) there is a sizeable Christian population in Syria. Ethnicity also plays into the equation as Kurds, Yazidis, Turks, Arabs and other ethnic groups contend to protect their populations and position themselves for increased autonomy. Various nations including the US, Turkey, the UK, and Russia all have troops in country and are backing different factions for various reasons. All of this makes the risk of escalation extremely serious. It would not take much for this to spark into another World War.

The best hope for those who truly are innocent in this mess, those just trying to survive, is for the war to end as quickly as possible. Regardless of who wins they will be better off than they are now. Unfortunately, with all the outside involvement (including our own) there is no end in sight…

Take care and God bless.

What Did You Prep This Week?

Walk With God

I prepared the lesson for and taught Sunday School and then went to to church. I read the next chapter in a study on Ephesians. I missed our Wednesday men’s study because I was traveling for work. I didn’t pray as much as I should have but I didn’t do too badly so, all in all, I feel OK about my walk with God this week. That’s good since I got nothing accomplished in any other category…

Self Defense/Hunting

Nothing this week.


A few months back I reorganized my gear so I would be carrying the same EDC gear all the time. I collapsed most everything into a single bag small enough to fit inside my backpack when I was working or traveling. I put all non-TSA safe items in a separate pouch that I would pull out before going into a restricted space. After a little incident with TSA where I forgot something(s) in my EDC bag I have decided that was a bad idea.

The main thing I was missing from my work backpack was a first aid kit so I put together a second, TSA safe, kit and dropped it in. It will travel with me on planes and my EDC bag will stay somewhere else…on the other side of the TSA check points.


Nothing this week.


Nothing this week. This is going to be an area of real focus next week. I have to start getting myself in better shape.

That’s it for me. That’s what I prepped this week. How about you? What did you Prep this week?

God Bless

The Terrorists Are Winning

I came across an article this weekend about a stampede in a European soccer stadium. The stampede was caused by loud fireworks. People stampeded because they thought it was a terror attack. When the fear of an attack can be as devastating as a real attack the terrorists are winning. They have succeed when they have instilled such a level of fear that we change our way of life or injure each other at each loud bang.

In his novel Dune, Frank Herbert wrote:

Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

We are facing obliteration because of our fears. Fear of terrorist attack. Fear of being impolite. Fear of being politically incorrect. Fear of the ugliness and violence necessary to combat terrorists.

Lord help us…