Civil War Sitrep: 1/13/21

So much is happening so quickly I didn’t want to wait another week to post and updated SitRep. Let’s hope tomorrow and the remainder of the week is quiet…

    • The Texas capital in Austin

      The FBI Issues Warnings of Armed Protests At State Capitals – The FBI issued a strong warning of the likelihood of armed protests at all state capitals in the days leading up to the official installation of the New Regime. These must be by Conservative groups otherwise all would be well and good in the world.

    • National Guard to send more than 10,000 troops to inauguration – More that 10,000 National Guard troops are scheduled to be deployed to Capital City for the installation of the New Regime. Just as an aside, I have seen reports that a large number of these troops are on the ground already. There are also reports of large (whole office building) generators being deployed to Federal facilities in Capital City.
    • Antifa Marches in Times Square to end dissent – In yet another Orwellian moment, Antifa held a “peaceful protest” complete with a shield wall to call for and end to dissent and Fascism. I think the irony of that is lost on them. Ironically.
    • Leftist CongressCritter calling for fellow critters who questioned the election results to be added to the national “no fly” list – Representative Bennie Thompson (DemonRat-Miss) called for Republicans who backed the Electoral College challenge on a no-fly list, among them Sens. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Josh Hawley, R-Mo., and Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo.
    • Murder and Violent Crime Surging – The leftist assault on the US is having an impact on violent crime. As police officers are demonized and departments are defunded we are seeing massive increases in violent crimes in places like Portlandia, Minneapolis, Chicago and other leftist controlled cities. Portlandia, for example, has seen the murder rate double over last year.
    • Suppressing The Opposition
      • Hillary Clinton said it is not enough to to prosecute those involved in the “attack” on the Capital but we need new laws to allow surveillance and tracking of “Domestic Terrorists.” By that she means anyone who does not agree with The New Regime.
      • Not only has the Big Tech oligarchy shut down his business but Paler CEO is receiving death threats against him and his family.
      • Lenders Cut Trump and other lawmakers off – Several banks are severing ties with Trump and other elected officials off from loans and limiting activity on their accounts.
      • National radio company Cumulus Media has threatened to fire any of their radio personalities who question the election results. Cumulus Media releases programs made by popular conservative hosts Ben Shapiro, Dan Bongino, and Mark Levin
      • Libertarian former Congressman Ron Paul was locked out of his public FecesBook account for unspecified and repeated violations.
      • Two firearm related websites, and, have been shutdown “de-platformed” by their DNS and hosting providers.
      • FecesBook has announced they are purging any posts containing the phrase “Stop The Steal” from their platforms. The Stop the Steal groups have already been removed.
      • In an ironic twist an Idaho Internet Provider is blocking access to FecesBook and Twitter due to their censorship of Conservative voices.
      • University Faculty Demand fellow Professor be fired to attending Trump Rally
      • GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik Removed from Harvard Political Advisory Board for questioning election results.
      • Twitter has purged more than 70,000 accounts for sharing QAnon associated data.
    • Chumming For Monsters
      • Public Broadcasting System Principal Council on tape discussing firebombing the White House if Trump were to win, using the Department of Homeland Security to tale away the children of Trump supporters and raising them in reeducation camps. He has resigned his post as of tonight.

Take care and God bless.

Civil War Sitrep: 1/12/21

I had a pretty good idea that this week’s installment would be a pretty long one. I had no idea just how much would be happening last week.

    • Pro-Trump protesters occupy the Capital – I guess I don’t have much to add on this, several are dead, most from natural causes. One protester was killed by police and one police officer committed suicide after the fact (he must have known too much). Lots of folks have been arrested and more will be. Words like riot, insurrection, violence and mayhem are the key buzzwords used by the New Regime and their propaganda arm completely ignoring, in Orwellian fashion, the fact that the Leftist did the same thing in 2018 during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings and were praised for their actions.
    • Leftists calling for expulsion of those who questioned the election results from Congress – The Leftists are calling for the expulsion from Congress for any members who challenged the election results, claiming these folks are treasonous, insurrectionists. In more Orwellian fashion they are ignoring the fact that Leftists have done the same for every Republican elected President since Bush The First. By the way, the resolution introduced for this was dated January 5th, the day before the occupation of the Capital.
    • Leftists have introduced articles of impeachment (again) – Leftists are once again introducing articles of impeachment against Trump…nine days before he will leave office…
    • Antifa attacks home of Republican Senator Josh Hawley and threatens his family – Attendees of a “peaceful vigil” outside the home of Republican tried to beat down his door and chanted threats over bullhorns.
    • Police and BLM clash with Trump protesters – The night before the big Trump rally in Washington DC there were clashes between BLM and the protesters as well as protesters and police. More of the same after the protest.
    • Leftist Portlandia Mayor Assaulted by BLM/Antifa – The Leftist mayor of Portlandia, Ted Wheeler, who protected BLM/Antifa rioters and blamed the violence in his city on Trump was accosted in a restaurant in his hometown. Apparently attacking and murdering Trump supporters is OK, burning and looting the city, attacking police is OK but he is outraged when the monster he helped chum up out of the depths come after him, again.
    • FBI Agents Raid Homes, Offices of Republican Tennessee Lawmakers – No reasons or explanation given. Probably just agents doing their jobs of suppressing the opposition. I am sure, given enough time, they will find something to charge them with.
    • U.S. Attorney for North Georgia abruptly resigns – Another US attorney abruptly resigns. No reason provided.
    • Riot in Portlandia Suburb after Police Kill Armed Man – Rioters Attack Businesses, Police Station After Cops Shoot Armed Domestic Violence Suspect in Tigard, Oregon
    • Antifa Attack Trump Supporters, Cops in San Diego – I am sure they were peaceful about it though so it won’t make the news.
    • Free Speech Platform Parler Shut Down – Existing policies against inciting violence or illegal activities were not good enough for the New Regime and their Big Tech enforcers. The platform was shutdown for not stifling free speech and dissent against the New Regime.
    • Forbes Chief Content Officer Warns Companies Against Hiring Trump Supporters – Dissenters have to be punished after all…
    • Chumming For Monsters
      • Leftist actor Sean Penn suggests Trump commit suicide – Leftist actor and buddy of Hugo Chavez suggested that President Trump commit suicide via cyanide.
      • Washington Post columnist calls Trump and Congressional Republicans serial killers
      • ABC Propaganda Minster News Director says the efforts to cleanse of the Pro-Trump supporters will be tough
      • Biden labels Trump supporters as Domestic Terrorists
      • National Institute of Health (NIH) official calls for Congressman Josh Hawley to be “skinned alive and rolled in salt.” – Former policy adviser for the NIH not only tweeted the call for violence but doubled down on it when challenged. The Tweet was NOT removed by Twitter and his account has NOT been suspended
      • After banning Trump for inciting violence Twitter did nothing to stop the top trending hashtag #hangepence calling for Vice President Mike Pence to be hanged – Apparently calling for the hanging of a Republican is not inciting violence.

Take care and God bless.

Totally Missed It

Just a few of days ago I penned a post based on a response to my son’s question of “what happens next?” (What’s Next). Already things are happening that I didn’t think about. In hindsight, they should have been as obvious as the ring on my finger.

Yesterday and into the night we saw the the big tech firms  begin moving to silence the Right. President Trump and many of his supporters have been removed from various platforms. When it was rumored the president was going to open an account on the free speech platform Parler. In response, Google and Apple removed the app from their app stores. As of midnight last night Amazon Web Services (AWS) shutdown the servers supporting Parler. From the last update I heard it could take weeks before they are back in business since no other web hosting services (ahem, Microsoft Azure) would accept them.

The company’s terms of use banned posts inciting violence or illegal activity. That wasn’t good enough for the “woke tech” vigilantes. Nope, to stay in business those running the company would have had to agree to join Twitter, FarceBook, Instagaram, YouTube, Google, and others in stifling dissent against the our ‘glorious leaders.’

Low tech firms are jumping on the bandwagon as well. A publishing house (who I will not name) cancelled a book deal with Congressman Josh Hawley because he dared ask for an investigation into voter fraud in the last election cycle. Expect more announcements to come.

I did say that we could expect to see targeting of Conservatives by Federal agencies. That has already begun as well. We are already starting to see raids by Federal agencies on Conservative local politicians. Expect these raids against vocal supporters of Trump and Conservative principles to continue and escalate. They are starting with local politicians but don’t be surprised if national level politicians, even members of the House and Senate, are targeted soon. Charges may never even be filed but the fact that a politician’s home and office are raided by the FBI will be enough. Once the FBI has everything in their possession I am sure they will be able to find something to charge them with.

Already, we are seeing arrests of protesters who walked into the US Capital. In at least one case, and I believe two, a Conservative reporter who was covering the incident was arrested despite the fact that they were in the same place doing the same thing as reporters for the mainstream propaganda outlets. Expect law enforcement to begin arresting the individuals through the use of “no-knock” raids. There will likely be deaths and injuries in these raids. Deaths and injuries to officers conducting these operations will be used to justify further crackdowns on Conservatives and gun owners. Deaths to those targeted for arrest or innocent bystanders will be viewed as collateral damage. No one will mention Breonna Taylor, her death, the riots her death caused or the Leftist politicians who supported those protests against police tactics and brutality in that no-knock raid. Just like no one mentions the leftists who broke into the Capital during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings a couple years ago. That wasn’t deemed a violent attack or attempted insurrection…

The bottom line is that the Leftists continue to push, in fact they seem to be emboldened now that they control all the levers of Federal government. With the media and their big tech partners at their side they also believe they control the narrative and, to an extent, they do.

Some of them may understand that, as one of their own once said, “all political power comes from the barrel of a gun” but they apparently believe the control the guns that matter.

Another quote that, since it wasn’t voiced by a communist, they are unaware of that is probably more accurate:

The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it.

-Frank Herbert

The “commoners” may not have the tech muscle the Left is swinging now. They may not have the media on their side spewing propaganda. The Left may control the levers of power in Washington. But the people of this nation still have “absolute control” in this country. So far, they have chosen not to exercise it.

Think about it, if even a third of the citizens on Capital Hill this week had had the desire and intentions attributed to them by the Leftists there would not be a congresscritter left alive. Pushed to far, they may well develop that desire and exercise their absolute control.

I hope and pray it doesn’t come to that but the Left keeps on “poking the bear” and one day that bear may just get truly pissed off. Dear Lord help us all at that point.

Take care and God bless.

It Is Time To Rise…

I hear a lot of whining and wailing (some of it from me) about the state of the country and the challenges we face.

Well, fellow Americans, it is past time for whining, complaining and feeling sorry for ourselves. It is time to “Buck up Buttercup” or “Embrace the Suck” depending on your choice of wording.

This country was founded by people who literally carved it out of the wilderness. They faced starvation, disease, (sometimes) hostile natives and wild animals. No Walmarts, no grocery stores and anything that couldn’t be produced here was a year away. Their enemies were ruthless and brutal. Life was hard and often short but they endured, they had faith and they made it happen.

A few generations later, while many were still busy trying to carve a life out of the wilderness, in response to the Coercive Acts they stood up against one of the two superpowers of the day and won. The Revolutionary War was not all midnight rides by Paul Revere and Washington kneeling in prayer. It was Washington and his men freezing and starving at Valley Forge. It was revolutionaries tortured and murdered as well as loyalists. In the southern campaign the British took a scorched earth approach against revolutionary guerillas. That generation stood (and died), they endured, they had faith and they made it happen.

Within a generation they faced an invasion by that same superpower. Despite much of the country being burned or destroyed they stood (and died), they endured, they had faith and they made it happen. They prevailed.

Within another generation the Civil War split the nation and we fought the bloodiest war in US history. The guerrilla actions in the west, the war crimes of both armies made what we have seen so far in this nation look like a Sunday picnic. The post-war conditions in the former Confederate states was so bad that my great, great grandfather walked to Texas to carve out a place in the wilderness. That generation too, stood (and died), they endured, they had faith and they made it happen.

Another generation later we faced WWI and the Great Depression. The next generation fought and defeated Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito. The next generation grew up with the threat of nuclear annihilation. The next faced global terrorism.We have faced existential threats since before this nation was a nation. Our forefathers prevailed because they were willing to stand for what was right, endure whatever suffering was required, had faith in their purpose and made it happen.

Our nation, again, faces and existential threat.

Our leadership is in disarray. We do not (yet) have a clear plan forward. We have lost the ballot box and the jury box as mechanisms for redress. So, it is easy to succumb to the darkness of doubt and fear but that is not who we are. It is time for Americans to quit whining about and bemoaning the facts. It is time to “buck up buttercup” and to “embrace the suck.” It is time to stand, endure, have faith and make it happen.

As a particular YouTuber is fond of saying, “God Bless America, Long Live the Republic!”

Take care and God bless.

Civil War Sitrep: 1/5/21

Once again, I thought we might have a quiet week and once again I wish I had been right. Maybe next week will be quiet even though I fully expect could be very tumultuous. The Georgia Senate runoff elections are scheduled for today and multiple law enforcement departments have warned of credible threats of violence. Congress is scheduled to meet for the counting of the Electoral votes on Wednesday. Also scheduled for that same day is a massive pro-Trump rally. DC Mayor Bowser has already activated the National Guard (she did no do this before or during the George Floyd riots), closed parking and streets in the area of the rally, asked DC residents to avoid the area, and ordered all police on duty from the 5th through the 6th.

    • Republican State Legislature Candidate Beaten and Tortured – Vanessa Tijerina, former candidate for the Texas Senate from South Texas was lured to a hotel, beaten and tortured. The motive appears to be political. Three have been arrested but the fourth, who directed the torture, has not been identified.
    • Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s home vandalized – Slogans and an anarchy symbol were spray painted on the San Francisco home of Nancy Pelosi. A severed pig’s head was also left in a pool of (fake?) blood in front of the door.
    • Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home vandalized – Slogan’s in red and white were painted on the Louisville home of Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell one day after House Speaker Pelosi’s home was vandalized.
    • Violence and rioting in Portlandia (as usual) – New Years Eve saw Antifa pillaging businesses, smashing windows, setting fires,and attacking police. No riot control measures were deployed but Portlandia city government is now calling for help from the state and Federal governments. How about this, use all necessary force on the rioters, arrest them, and prosecute them? Bet they won’t be causing mayhem if they are in prison.
    • Black clad individuals attacked and damage Federal building in Philadelphia – Just peacefully protesting with Molotov cocktails and IEDs.
    • Rioting in Minneapolis – New Years Eve riot were apparently not worth reporting by the mainstream propaganda outlets.
    • Leftist BLM thugs deface St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC – More protesting in New York City on New Years Day as Socialist Mayor DeBlasio dances the night away with his with in an empty Times Square.
    • Woman arrested for making death threats against Republican election official – A Michigan woman was charged with making death threats against republican election officials who were investigating claims of fraud.
    • Shots fired at group tasked with auditing Georgia ballots – At least one member of the team tasked with auditing the election results in Georgia has reported shots fired into his home.
    • FarceBook disabled Republican ad account days before Georgia runoff elections – Representatives from Farcebook claim it was an automation error although the email received by the organization states (unnamed) “Policy Violations” as the cause…nothing suspicious here, move along…
    • Federal Prosecutor who opened an investigation into voter fraud resigns –  A Federal prosecutor who felt there was enough evidence of voter fraud in Pennsylvania to open an investigation has resigned. I wonder who had what on him to force that decision?
    • Attacks on Infrastructure? – On Christmas day a vehicle-based IED destroyed an AT&T facility affecting cellular, landline and Internet services for several states. There have been 41 documented attempts to derail trains in the Pacific Northwest in the last year. Two people, so far, have been arrested for these actions but another train was derailed on Saturday (12/22/20). Also on Saturday, the gas pipelines into Aspen Colorado were attacked and gas to the small town was shut off during some of the coldest weather of the year.
    • Chumming For Monsters
      • Sedition, Treason, Arsonists – All terms used by the media to refer to members of Congress who are planning to challenge the election results. Ignoring the fact that Demonrats challenged the vote in 2016 when Trump was elected and in 2000 when Bush was elected…
      • National Teacher of the Year calls on Mitch McConnell’s neighbors to attack him – “Rand Paul’s neighbor did what a true Kentucky hero should do. It’s your turn to step up.” Senator Rand Paul was attacked by a neighbor last year suffering six broken ribs and damage to a lung.

Take care and God bless.

A Few Thoughts On Riot Safety

Back in the last century, my employer at the time asked for a volunteer for an onsite engagement in San Francisco. I volunteered strenuously but could not understand why no one else was eager to sign up for the gig. Well because it wasn’t in San Francisco. It was in Oakland. Everyone else knew that except me.

It was an interesting trip and back before the days of the Internet I had no idea what I was in for. Oakland was not a nice place. One night there was a massive DEA bust in the decent but dumpy hotel I was staying in. The traffic was a nightmare and there seemed to be a lot of tension among the local team I was working with. It turns out a police officer had been killed just before I arrived and there was a full on manhunt for the killer. The police found his body in the hills near the company I was contracting with and that’s when thing got a bit more interesting. Seems he had committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head.

Businesses were closing early so, being young and stupid, I decided that would be a great time to get some extra copies of certain manuals made. I made it to the office supply store as they were closing and convinced them to run the copies I needed and was headed back to the hotel when I saw something happening at the far end of the block. Normalcy bias prevented me from registering what I was seeing for a few seconds. I was just happy that will all the people in the street the traffic was light and I could get out of the parking lot with ease.

About half a block down, sitting at the red light, like a good law abiding citizen, a glance in the mirror fortunately broke through the normalcy bias. The cars being overturned, some with people still inside, and windows being smashed did it. I didn’t stop for another red light the entire way back to the hotel and despite a heavy police presence no one seemed to care. In fact, the police were all headed in the opposite direction at high speed.

That is as close to being in a riot as I ever want to be again. Which means some of what I am about to share comes not from personal experience but has been gleaned from the experiences of others.

Rule Number 1: Use your head and trust your gut

If there is a good chance of a “peaceful protest” get away and stay away. That’s not the time to be a “good employee” and earn brownie points going into or staying in harms way. If the threat is near your home, get you and your family out. Stuff can be replaced but family and loved ones cannot.

On another business trip, this one to New Orleans, I took a wrong turn trying to find my hotel. A few decades of experience and wisdom had taught me well and something “didn’t feel right.” I made a quick U-Turn and headed out of there at the highest legal speed. Sure enough, the discussions at the client site the next day included the violent confrontation between police and some residents the night before. I was headed right into that mess. So, pay attention and if something doesn’t feel right find another place to be.

Which brings up point number two.

Rule Number 2: Know your way around

In these days of GPS equipped everything it can be both simpler and tougher to find your way around. Simpler because the GPS can provide turn-by-turn directions in a strange city but tougher because people can come to depend too much on such technology and don’t learn to navigate without it. Such technology can help you avoid construction sites and traffic accidents but may run you directly into the path of a “peaceful protest.”

Technology can also fail on occasion. As a backup I carry real life, old school paper maps in my backpack. As a third level backup I also carry electronic copies on my phone, not streamed maps actual electronic copies of paper maps.

So, know your way around and have alternate routes planned if need be.

Rule 3: Be prepared to be on foot

During this last summer of love and justice many folks found that protesters, peaceful or not, were blocking roads, exits to parking areas and neighborhoods. If they wanted to get home they were forced to walk to where they could catch public transportation or be picked up.

If you are too overweight or out of shape to walk out of the danger zone you may not make it out. So make sure you are in shape enough to walk at least two miles without a break and at a good pace.

Many of those leaving work were trying to walk miles in shoes that might look good in the office but were definitely not so good for covering even short distances on foot. Have a good pair of walking shoes or better yet boots in your car or office. For me, I am willing (and able) to sacrifice style for comfort and durability. I can and do cover miles in the same shoes I wear to work. Older, rattier pairs get relegated to my get home bag, or on my feet when working around the house.

Sturdy boots would be even better if you can swing it. By the way, I can’t count the number of photos I have seen (post riot) of shoes, glasses, phones etc. that people lost in the chaos. Which brings up the next rule…

Rule 4: You will lose stuff

In addition to the photos I mentioned I also came across this quote from war correspondent and danger zone reporter Michael Yon:

In big human swarms/compressions/stampedes, you might see hundreds of shoes on the ground, many glasses, tons of phones, wallets, cameras, masks. Name it.

If something [can] fall off of you, it will. Including backpacks with items like laptops. You will lose your entire backpack in a New York second. I bet you think you won’t. If you think that, you are wrong. Do NOT bring anything you cannot afford to lose. This is why Soldiers use dummy-cords for weapons. Soldiers lose entire rifles in the middle of firefights.

If you are venturing into the fray, whether to join a protest or to get through it and get home, recognize that anything you have in your hands or on your shoulder will likely be lost. Keep valuables and things that you don’t want lost in the front pocket of your pants. If you have critical gear or stuff in your pack load your pockets and split it between pockets as much as possible.

Rule 5: Protective eye-wear

Whenever possible keep some sort of protective eye wear handy and wear them when needed. With the proliferation of lasers being used in protests these days, if you can afford it get some that provides protection from them. They can be pretty pricey so if you can’t swing it at least have some amber safety glasses to help protect your eyes from debris they will also provide a bit more protection from lasers.

Rule #6: Predators will act like predators

When hunting herd animals predators work the edges of the herd. Don’t be that lost lamb that can be separated from the herd and killed.

Also keep in mind that, for the most part, Werewolves come out at night…

If you feel the need to join a protest get out of there before nightfall. If you need to get through the danger zone to get to or from work/home make sure you are out of the danger zone and in a safe place before darkness falls.

Rule #7: Blend in

If you find yourself in the middle of the mob do your best to blend in. Don’t stand out in anyway you can help. Keep away from the edges of the mob and go with the flow. Don’t try and “swim upstream” even if that’s the direction you need to go. Stay inside the edges of the mob but close enough that you can break from the herd if you see a clear side street. Then travel several blocks away before turning to the direction you actually want to go to make sure you are out of the danger zone and away from predators working the edges. These transitional times will be the most dangerous.

This is my no means an all inclusive list of rules but hopefully it will help get the gears turning.

Here is a good overview of the legal implications associated with defending yourself against a mob:

Take care and God bless.

Civil War Sitrep: 12/29/20

I thought that this being the week of Christmas and all I wouldn’t have anything to post…I wish I had been right.

    • North Dakota Senator’s Office Attacked –  A man with an axe vandalized the offices of North Dakota Senator John Hoeven. The after hours attack was caught on security camera.
    • Riot declared, MRAPs and Pepper Spray Deplyed at Oregon State capital – A special session of the Oregon state legislature was called last week. A group of protesters gathered to attend the sessions but were forcibly excluded (Oregon state law prohibits “closed” legislative sessions and another example of the collapse of the rule of law in this country). Scuffles ensued between police and protesters and doors and windows at the capital were smashed. At that point a riot was declared and state troopers used armored vehicle, pepper spray and pepper less lethal munitions to disburse the crowd. Tactics that were not used when “peaceful protesters” were burning and looting through Portlandia and other Oregon cities.
    • Leftist Michigan Protesters chant support for Marx not Biden – Christmas Eve protesters in Michigan chanted that they supported Karl Marx not Biden.
    • Department of Homeland (in)Security warns of violence in Georgia Senate runoff – The Georgia Senate runoff election that will determine which party controls the Senate is likely to be accompanied by violence. Considering pro-leftist “peaceful protesters” already tried to firebomb a federal ICE building, smashed windows and vandalized shops this comes a bit late.
    • Michigan Attorney General pursuing sanctions on lawyers who challenged the outcome – The AG of Michigan Dana Nessel is going after lawyers who filed suits or made claims of election irregularities. If the AG would rather use the powers of their office to suppress those who disagree with them, the rule of law has ended in this country.
    • Chumming For Monsters
      • “I want blood” – Hollywood leftist David Cross answered Bidens pathetic attempt at building bridges with the response, “F*** that, I want blood.”

Take care and God bless.

Civil War Sitrep: 12/22/20

The US continues to slide ever closer to Civil War. There are fewer open or violent actions by either side to report since the election but I believe that is only a temporary situation. The Leftist insurgents around the nation continue to prepare for revolution and it appears many on the right my be joining them.

To be clear, like most every law-abiding citizen with half a clue I do not want to see the current situation escalate any further. Nor do I want to see a modern day incarnation of the Kansas/Missouri border war (Bleeding Kansas) that preceded the last American civil war and lasted well beyond the official end of the war.

Regardless of what I want we seem to be headed down that path and the more information we have the better decisions we can make in protecting those we love so here are a few updates:

    • Trump promises “big,” “wild” election protest on Jan. 6 in D.C. – He posted and said that there will be no martial law and that those who are saying he will are spreading “fake news.”
    • Arsonist Arrested for Burning Down Oregon Restaurant – The owner of a Portlandia restaurant gave an interview where he was critical of ANTIFA protesters. His restaurant was then burned down. Surprisingly, the arsonist was identified and has been arrested.
    • A Democrat document surfaced demanding that Biden clamp down on conservative Christians, remove them from public office and “re-educate” Trump voters. Shades of Nazi Germany anyone?
    • Chumming For Monsters
      • MSNBC Host Calls Amy Coney Barrett A ‘Right-Wing Lunatic’
      • GOP’s Ron Johnson Calls Dem Gary Peter A Liar – In some countries such interactions are common but the US legislature has been pretty civil until recently.
      • Leftist former basketball player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: “Crack down on conservative celebrities’ speech” if they don’t agree with the left they should be censored and their careers should be ended. Sorry bud, this has already happened…
      • WaPo Cartoonist Draws GOP As Rats – According to researchers, comparing people to rodents is the language used before a Genocide happens and this was also favorite of the Nazis who regularly published such graphics portraying Jews as rats infesting Germany and Europe…

Take care and God bless.

Civil War Sitrep: 12/15/20

The US continues to slide ever closer to Civil War. There are fewer open or violent actions by either side to report since the election but I believe that is only a temporary situation. The Leftist insurgents around the nation continue to prepare for revolution and it appears many on the right my be joining them.

To be clear, like most every law-abiding citizen with half a clue I do not want to see the current situation escalate any further. Nor do I want to see a modern day incarnation of the Kansas/Missouri border war (Bleeding Kansas) that preceded the last American civil war and lasted well beyond the official end of the war.

Regardless of what I want we seem to be headed down that path and the more information we have the better decisions we can make in protecting those we love so here are a few updates:

    • Night of Chaos in Washington DC – 4 stabbed and 23 arrested as Antifa and Trump supporters clash before and after the Trump rally on Saturday.
    • One Person Shot and Others injured in violent clashes in Olympia, Washington – For the second week in a row there were violent clashes between left and right protesters in Olympia. This time around shots were fired and actually hit someone.
    • Violent Black Lives Matter Protests Erupt At LA Mayor’s House – So, what if Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is a leftist and will possibly receive a cabinet appointment from Joe Biden, BLM doesn’t like him and has been protesting for days outside his home. Those protests recently turned violent. Of course, it is all the fault of the LA police department.
    • Leftist Congresswoman Removed From Committees and Facing Investigation After Making ‘Threats’ Against Trump Supporters – She must be on the outs with someone in Washington because she’s not the first, won’t be the last but is the only one I have seen who is being called out after making such comments.
    • Congressman ‘Demands’ 126 Republican Members Of Congress Not Be Seated For Supporting Trump Lawsuit – A leftist congressman has demanded that the 126 members of Congress who supported the lawsuit filed by the state of Texas not be sworn in or allowed to take the seats they were elected to fill.
    • Chumming For Monsters
      • Actress Debra Messing tweeted about Trump: “I hope you live a long life in prison where you become the most popular boyfriend to the all inmates.” Given her support for LGBTQ causes I guess she thinks this would be positive thing?
      • Time Magazine compared President Trump to the Minotaur, The mythological man eating offspring of a woman and a bull.
    • YouTube censoring videos that question the election results – Now that the election is (ahem) over, and their guy won, Google-owned YouTube has announced they will pull any videos alleging election fraud or errors. No more warning labels or “fact checking” by the Ministry of Truth.

Take care and God bless.

Civil War Sitrep: 12/8/20

The US continues to slide ever closer to Civil War. There are fewer open or violent actions by either side to report since the election but I believe that is only a temporary situation. The Leftist insurgents around the nation continue to prepare for revolution and it appears many on the right my be joining them.

To be clear, like most every law-abiding citizen with half a clue I do not want to see the current situation escalate any further. Nor do I want to see a modern day incarnation of the Kansas/Missouri border war (Bleeding Kansas) that preceded the last American civil war and lasted well beyond the official end of the war.

Regardless of what I want we seem to be headed down that path and the more information we have the better decisions we can make in protecting those we love so here are a few updates:

    • Riots tear through Seattle – To commemorate the WTO riots of 1999, the death of George Floyd, or some combination thereof, rioters smashed windows and vandalized property. An interesting note about this riot, the protesters engaged in active deception of the police. They created fake dozens of call and reports in other  areas of the city to draw law enforcement away from the target area.
    • Protests erupt in violence in California and Washington state – Protests in both Washington state and California. There are reports of shots being fired in Olympia Washington (Link).
    • Michigan Man’s house bombed for Trump support
    • Armed Trump supporters protest at the home of the Michigan Secretary Of State – Armed Trump supporters showed up at the home of Jocelyn Benson, the Secretary of State for Michigan and protested for what they see was voter fraud in their state.
    • Daily Beast calls for humiliation and incarceration of Trump supporters – “Remember, the Trump GOP is shorn of all ideological and philosophical pretense, and even when Trump leaves office, it’s not over. ‘His cultists’ reign of terror will shape elected GOP members as long as he and his foul spawn walk the earth unpunished. Only exposure, pain, humiliation, and (inshallah) incarceration will lead to a moment of reckoning for the GOP. It should start at the top and work down from there.”
    • Rumors Trump may invoke foreign interference provision – In a speech made on 12/2/20 President Trump gave a speech in which he made some interesting statements including “As President I have no higher duty than to defend the laws and the constitution of the United States. That is why I am determined to protect our election system, which is now under coordinated assault and siege.” Many are theorizing this is in preparation for declaring the election invalid on the foreign interference provision of an executive order signed in 2018. If Trump is declared the winner, or the election results are declared invalid, we will surely see a surge in violence from the left if not outright civil war.

Take care and God bless.